Instructions for Preparing Posters for the Workshop
Please observe the following guidelines when preparing your poster:
- Posters should be no larger than 3.5 feet high by 3 feet wide.
- Posters should be printed on lightweight media, since we must attach them to the wall using putty or tape. We will not have poster boards available.
Instructions for Submitting the Final Version of Accepted Papers
Important Deadlines:
- July 28th: Finished papers must be submitted to the Precision Conference system
- August 1st: At least one author must register for the workshop.
Please observe the following guidelines when preparing the final version of your paper.
- Final versions of accepted papers are due July 28, 2008.
- Final versions should be prepared taking the comments of the reviewers into account.
- The final version should be no longer than 10 pages for normal papers and 8 pages for software demo papers. Papers may contain color images which will then be available in the electronic version of the proceedings, but please make sure that the images are also readable when printed in grayscale.
- When formatting your paper, please follow the Springer Lecture Notes style (as for MICCAI papers) . Please refer to the Springer website for detailed instructions. We also accept papers prepared on the Springer Word templates. These can be found at Springer guidelines for MS WORD submission.
- IMPORTANT: Please do not include page numbers, headers, or footers in your manuscript and do not change the white margins!
- The final paper submission must include a PDF file and all manuscript preparation files (.doc or .docx for word documents, or .tex, .bib, .eps/.ps, .dvi, if prepared using LaTeX).
- All files should be included in a zip archive and submitted through your account at the MICCAI 2008 Submission and Review Management Site.
Please direct any questions or report any problems with the final submission to marleen@diku.dk
How to Submit a Paper to the Workshop
- EXTENDED TO June 15, 2008:
Deadline for submission of full papers
- July 1, 2008:
Notification of acceptance
- September 6, 2008:
First International Workshop on Pulmonary Image
Submit your paper using the the MICCAI Precision Conference System.
When uploading your paper, be sure to select "Pulmo Workshop" under "new submissions".
Paper format and guidelines are similar to those for the main MICCAI meeting. See the MICCAI site for details.
Two types of papers will be considered for the workshop:
- Full papers: length 8-10 pages. If accepted, these will scheduled into the program as either an oral presentation or a poster presentation.
- Software demo papers: length 4-8 pages. These papers are expected to have an associated software application demo during the poster session. Bring your latest analysis software on a laptop and show off your work!